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To make Startblok a success, we work together with several partners who contribute to many aspects of the project! For example, they help with an honest and successful selection, offer counselling and creating a future perspective for all occupants.

The following organizations are currently our partners:


The Ykeallo foundation is active in different parts of Amsterdam, also here at Startblok Riekerhaven. They’re located in the handbalclub and their goal is to help young status holders with their integration. They do this by giving them a place to come together, cultural sensitive counseling, education and training and by organising activities. Although they’re focussing on helping status holders, everybody from Startblok Riekerhaven (and people outside of Startblok) is welkom to drop by the handbalclub.

Logo VluchtelingenWerk


When refugees are allowed to stay in the Netherlands, they can start to build their new life and existence. It is not always easy to find your way in a complex country such as the Netherlands. This is where Vluchtelingenwerk steps in and helps them along. For Startblok, Vluchtelingenwerk is involved in the development of the project by giving their input and vision on our ideas. Also, they offer their support to the status-holders that will be living at Startblok.

Gemeente Amsterdam

Startblok Riekerhaven works together with different departments within the municipality of Amsterdam. With the city district Nieuw-West we are working together to develop a better livability within and around Startblok. For example, together we’ve provided new sport facilities and the greening of Startblok. In addition, the municipality of Amsterdam is one of the most important links between different health partners at Startblok Riekerhaven.

At the moment, we are still looking for important, creative and inspiring partnerships. We hope to add more to this list soon. Do you have an idea for an interesting partnership? Feel welcome to contact us!

“We hope to stimulate and ease the integration of young refugees with this mixed form of housing.”

Spokesman alderman Ivens, Municipality of Amsterdam